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Theology 101: God is... So, We are... (7.9)

Read Ephesians 1:7,8

“The cost of redemption cannot be overstated…the results can’t either.” ~Asil Treblig

God is… gracious, peaceful, full of goodness, generous, sovereign, loving, inclusive, relational, and…

1. Extremely forgiving.

So, we are… saints, full of faith, immeasurably blessed, chosen, adopted and…

2. Redeemed in Christ.

3. Forgiven through His blood.

4. Lavished with God’s grace.

  1. Remember a time when you needed forgiveness from someone. What happened and did you receive it?

  2. Read Titus 2:11-15. What do these verses say about redemption?

  3. Read Galatians 3:13; 4:5. What further insight can be gained about redemption?

  4. Read Leviticus 17:11-14; 1 Peter 1:18,19. What do these verses tell us about redemption?

  5. Ponder God’s redemption through Christ and His grace which He lavished on us…and thank Him for it!

1 Comment

Deborah Werner
Jul 09, 2023

I love this series, it's so uplifting & reassuring about Who I am in GODs eyes. Hallelujah!!

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