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Theology 101: God Is... So, We Are... (9.24)

Read Ephesians 3:7-13

“There is no greater calling, no privilege so blessed, and no work such a wonder as serving God and others!” ~Asil Treblig

God is gracious, peaceful, full of goodness, generous, sovereign, loving, inclusive, relational, forgiving, all-knowing, all-powerful, a promise keeper, glorious, merciful, just, peaceful, intentional and…

1. A great gift giver.

So, in Christ we are saints, full of faith, immeasurably blessed, chosen, adopted, redeemed, forgiven, wise, understanding, hopeful, heirs with Christ, sealed with the Holy Spirit, a reflector of God’s glory, saved, unified, assigned purpose and meaning, and…

2. We are servants of the Gospel.

3. The preparation for serving.

  • We are made servants.

  • By the gift of grace given to us.

4. The purpose of serving.

  • To proclaim the unsearchable riches of Christ.

  • To teach the stewardship of grace.

  • To make known God’s detailed plan to the angels.

5. The privilege of serving.

  • Free and confident access to God.

  • Encouragement in all circumstances.

  1. Remember a time when you got a great gift. Explain.

  2. Try to make a list of all the gifts God has given you.

  3. Read Js.1:17,18. What do these verses say about gifts?

  4. Read Ephesians 2:8-10. Explain in detail the gift of God.

  5. Thank God for all the gifts He has given you. Be as detailed as possible.


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