Read Ephesians 3:7-13
“There is no greater calling, no privilege so blessed, and no work such a wonder as serving God and others!” ~Asil Treblig
God is gracious, peaceful, full of goodness, generous, sovereign, loving, inclusive, relational, forgiving, all-knowing, all-powerful, a promise keeper, glorious, merciful, just, peaceful, intentional and…
1. A great gift giver.
So, in Christ we are saints, full of faith, immeasurably blessed, chosen, adopted, redeemed, forgiven, wise, understanding, hopeful, heirs with Christ, sealed with the Holy Spirit, a reflector of God’s glory, saved, unified, assigned purpose and meaning, and…
2. We are servants of the Gospel.
3. The preparation for serving.
We are made servants.
By the gift of grace given to us.
4. The purpose of serving.
To proclaim the unsearchable riches of Christ.
To teach the stewardship of grace.
To make known God’s detailed plan to the angels.
5. The privilege of serving.
Free and confident access to God.
Encouragement in all circumstances.
Remember a time when you got a great gift. Explain.
Try to make a list of all the gifts God has given you.
Read Js.1:17,18. What do these verses say about gifts?
Read Ephesians 2:8-10. Explain in detail the gift of God.
Thank God for all the gifts He has given you. Be as detailed as possible.