Read Genesis 2:4-25, et al
“The family unit has always been God’s building block for society, and always will be, this side of eternity." ~ Asil Treblig
The 4 W’s of a God Glorifying Christian Marriage:
1. What is marriage?
A covenant to keep.
A glory to display.
A challenge to work out.
2. Why Get Married?
To have companionship.
To become one flesh.
To have and raise children.
3. When Should you Get Married?
Before you have children/sex.
When you can support children.
When you can fulfill your role.
4. Who Can Be Married?
People who are equally yoked.
People of the opposite sex.
1. Remember a time when family was really important to you. Explain why.
2. Read Ephesians 5:22-32. What insights can we gain about marriage?
3. Read Matthew 22:30. Why is there no marriage in Heaven? Now read Rev.19:7-9 for further insight.
4. Read Eccl. 4:9-12. What insights do you learn about marriage from these verses?
5. How might your own marriage or thoughts of marriage be changed by understanding more clearly how God views marriage?