Various Scripture
“I’d rather scrub floors in the house of God, than to be honored as a guest in the palace of sin.” Psalm 84:10, The Message
There is ….
Absolute assurance in the Kingdom. (Hebrews 9:11-15)
Certain hope in the Kingdom. (Hebrews 6:13-20)
Perfect peace in the Kingdom. (Ephesians 2:11-18)
Real truth in the Kingdom. (Psalm 31:5; Isaiah 65:16)
Remember a time when you had the best of something. How did that feel and why?
List five things that are terribly wrong with our world and contrast them with the kingdom of God.
Read Isaiah 65. What insight does this bring us about the Kingdom?
Read Revelation 21:1-9. What further insight can we gain from these verses?
Thank God right now for his coming Kingdom and be as specific as possible.