Behind every great woman is a great God, whether you believe it or not it’s true!
Dear women who bear my name,
There is nothing like you. I should know… I made you unique and full of wonder. (Psalm 139:14)
You are an absolute necessity in my creation and an indispensable partner to man. (Gen.2:18-22)
Continue your reverent way of life, it honors me and is a Christ like example of what is good to those around you. (Titus 2:3)
You’re a living example of my ways and my love and kindness, and you show that my Word is true.
(Titus 2:4,5)
I know that all this isn’t glorious and that you don’t get the recognition that you deserve, but I see it and will continue to strengthen and use you for my glory and your good. (1 Corinthians 15:58)
I love you, and you know that,